Imaginative Consultancy in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Computational Fluid Dynamics Worked Examples

All the problems are extracted from our publication "Computational Fluid Dynamics Recipes - Outline & Worked Examples" and all formulae references are from the book. To order our publications, please visit our page here.

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One - Dimensional Convection - Conduction - Upwind Differencing

Example 15.1 - One - Dimensional Convection - Conduction - Upwind Differencing

A scalar property φ is transported by an incompressible flow, as shown in Figure(14.2)

Find the distribution of φ as a function of x using upwind method for the convective terms in the following cases:

u = 0.2m/s

u = 2.5m/s

compare the results with the analytical solution

Fig 15_1_1

Fig 15_1_2

The Grid

We use a five equally spaced grid as shown in Figure 14.3.1

Fig 15_1_3


  1. Inner Nodes: Defined by

    2 ≥ i ≥ Imax − 2

    Using the upwind method explained in Chapter 15, we have

    Fig 15_1_4
  2. West: defined by


    The conservation law for this control volume would be

    Fig 15_1_5

    Using the Dirichlet boundary condition on the west face, we get

    Fig 15_1_6


    Fig 15_1_7
  3. East: defined by


    The balance equation is

    Fig 15_1_8


    Fig 15_1_9


It is obvious that with the increase in the velocity the result does not show any oscillations. However, here we see that the sharp gradient of the exact solution has been smeared out by the upwind method. The amount of smearing depends on many factors, including the grid size. If we reduce Δx, the smearing will decrease as shown in Figure 15.3 and will be discussed in the next chapter.

Fig 15_1_12